While most of us look forward to the end of the winter, spring can present a few problems for our pets. We find that spring is one of the busiest times for us, with the same issues recurring every year.

Because these problems are common and we see them time and again, I’ve already written about these issues. Now is the time to remind everyone about the issues their pets may experience with spring.

Grass Seeds:

Grass seeds entering pets ears, paws, eyes and skin is a very common problem. We can see several pets affected each day, and my personal record is removing seven grass seeds from one dog’s ears. By properly preparing your dog and yard, you can minimise the risk of your pet being affected.


Allergic Skin Disease:

Rather than getting hay fever or asthma, our pets are more likely to experience skin problems with pollen allergies. There are a few basic things you can do to help your pet with mild allergies, and there are new treatments available for the more severely affected pets.


Snake Bites:

Did you know that the majority of snake bite cases are seen before Christmas? There are many theories as to why this may be the case, including the snakes being more sluggish so don’t get out of the way as readily, and more potent toxin after not hunting for a prolonged period. Whatever the reason, snake bites are a true emergency, and you need to know what signs to look for and what to do if you suspect your pet has been bitten.


Snail Pellets:

Snail Pellets

I wrote about this one recently after seeing several cases of poisoning in a short period of time. The main thing to remember here is that no snail pellets are truly “pet safe”, so should never be used or stored anywhere that a pet may access.



By being proactive, pet owners can minimise the risk of needing a visit to the vet this pring, but remember that if you need us, there will be someone on the end of the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.