There is a lot of misleading information on the internet which drastically overstates the risk of vaccines in our pets. But it has to be said, there is a risk from any medication we give. This is why we need to look at the risks and benefits of any vaccine and tailor the protocol to each individual pet’s circumstances.

So how big is the risk? In nearly 20 years of practice, I have seen one dog which I believe died from a vaccine reaction, and two dogs which experienced autoimmune diseases within two months of being vaccinated (though of course it may have been coincidence). In the same time, I would estimate I have euthanased over 200 dogs with parvovirus infection, and treated a similar number. So as you can see, there is a small risk from vaccines but a huge risk from not protecting your pet.

I vaccinate my own dog every three years against Parvo, Distemper and Hepatitis. By using the three yearly vaccine we ensure your pet is completely covered while minimising the amount of vaccine your pet is given and hence significantly reducing the risk of adverse reactions.